Luxury Second Life Home for Free | Leila’s Sugar Daddy

Luxury Second Life Home for Free | Leila’s Sugar Daddy

I take what comes my way on my journey through Leila’s past. That’s what I wrote in the introduction of the story.

I did not look for a sugar daddy, nor did I look for sex work. It just came my way. It happened by accident.

Let me show you how that happened.

Step1: Meeting a Morningwood Valley Resident

Talking to Guest at Mirage Motel
Talking to Guest at Mirage Motel

As you know, I stayed at the Mirage Motel on Mother Road. One day I met a Motel guest in reception. What caught my attention was his group tag: Morningwood Valley.

We did chat about it a little and he invited me over to the place. To enter the region you must be a group member. No problem, I joined the group (free), and off we went.

(I will write about the place on another post, as it’s irrelevant to the topic of this post).

Step 2: Joining Chained

The group is very active. One day a group member contacted me after he had seen me on a group chat.

He invited me to join his club called chained, which is a BDSM-based escort role play club. Not really sex work, but he said some of the players do actually tip the girls after the role-play sessions.

Step 3: Having Sex With a Chained Member

It didn’t take long, that this guy, a chained member did contact me. He wrote in his profile, that he is a very generous gentleman.

That sounded like an opportunity.

We chatted a bit about chained and I pointed out that I am in for it for the tips. He claimed to be one of their best tippers.

An invitation to his place followed. For Sex. Of Course.

Arriving there really felt like traveling back in time. To the year 2010 or earlier.

You might remember the days when Second Life was built on prims, when sex animations were based on pose balls, and when mesh bodies were still unknown.

Yes, that.

Fucking my New Sugar Daddy
Fucking my New Sugar Daddy

We had about an hour of intense poseball-fucking. In the end, he gave me a 500 L$ tip. Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed, to say the least.

Generous is something different in my books.

Then he invited me to make his really big house my home. Setting home there he meant. He wants to have his girls near, he said.

Step 4: Getting a Rented Parcel for Myself

A few days later I complained.

Home in Second Life in my books is a place where you have actually certain rights. Such as rezing your own stuff, inviting friends over, and being able to eject people.

Everything less than that is not moving in, it’s merely being allowed on the property.

Then he did something I really did not expect at all.

We went to a rental agency and he simply rented a parcel for me. A pretty good one as well. Nice layout, 1200 prims. 4096 m2.

He rezed a very pretty Villa on it and said: “ Here you have your home, this costs me about 5000 a month. Expect to get fucked a lot for that.”

New Home in Second Life
New Home in Second Life


I guess that is what’s called a sugar daddy.

I added: “ I am sure you will ad some shopping money to this as well.”

We will see what will happen. So far he only requested a fuck once more, despite being online quite a lot.

Keeping my Sugar Daddy Happy | Paying Rent
Keeping my Sugar Daddy Happy | Paying Rent

I did get busy decorating the place.



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