Monica's LustHouse in Second Life
Monica's LustHouse in Second Life

Monica’s LustHouse and her Scavengers | R.I.P Monica

Monica’s LustHouse was at a time an extremely popular group and public sex location in Second Life. The corresponding group had a lot of members and the place used to be always busy.

Monica was at the time a very popular and beloved person. Part of the group and location management was her General Manager Zoey and the owner of the region: Cassie.

You may have noticed I am writing in the past tense.

Monica’s LustHouse doesn’t exist anymore. In early 2019 Monica passed away due to heart problems. There are places however that give you the impression to be Monica’s LustHouse.

To be quite clear about this: The original doesn’t exist anymore!

Ever since the concept was copied various times by Zoey the general manager. She opened a LustHouse in a different region. 

She took advantage of the big group Monica left behind and even managed to get Cassie (one of the group owners) out of that group with help from Linden Lab.

That one wasn’t really that successful and closed down some time afterward. Didn’t surprise me much, the design was awful and nowhere near to what Monica had in mind for her original LustHouse.

Cassie tried to re-establish the Lusthose at the same location as before (she owns the regions). She used to be Monica’s landlord of sorts and did support her project.

This one still exists, even with a totally different design and concept, but still under the name “Monica’s Lounge”. She states that she created this to honor Monica and keep her memory alive. 

The new “Monica’s Lounge” is not very successful at all.

Cassie even created a memory garden on the ground for Monica.

R.I.P Monica
R.I.P Monica

Recently Zoey opened a new LustHouse, without using the name “Monica”, but calling it the LustHouse.

What I found rather irritating is the fact that she uses the exact same building as Monica’s Lusthouse used to have, and even has photographs of Monica in the entrance hall.

Tasteless Abuse of Monica's Memory
Tasteless Abuse of Monica’s Memory

There are two places now, based on the original Monica’s LustHouse:

  • Monica’s Lounge
  • The LustHouse

Yes, the new LustHouse became popular again. Whether or not you want to visit and support a place that is taking advantage of a dead person’s popularity and heritage is up to you.

I won’t.


  1. Cricket Peppermint

    It\’s unfortunate that you\’ve taken people\’s attempt at keeping Monica\’s legacy alive and turned into a drama filled rant. Just because someone isn\’t looking at things the way you look at it, it doesn\’t automatically make that something wrong. I hope you find a way to not go though life so jaded.

    • Caroline Takeda

      The new Lusthouse uses somebody else’s legacy to drive traffic to their place. They are even using her picture for marketing purposes. The place even ranks number one in search for the term sex.

      Maybe that’s not even wrong, but it certainly is lame. Why can’t they use their own name and create their own thing?
      (I am not talking about the memorial, I am talking about the Lusthouse.)


  2. Casandra

    Caroline, thank you for writing about Monica.

    I am not scavenging on Monica\’s name. I truly am working to honor what she started on my sim. I made her a promise, when I let her build Monica\’s Lusthouse on Cassie\’s Playland. Her vision would always have a home here.

    I never claim to be Monica\’s Lusthouse, nor her Multiple Bulls on One Girl group. I always state that both are gone. I use the rules she started LH with in the club. Her garden and memorial have been here since the day we got word she was gone. A different look than the original one. It\’s a place that some of her close friends still come to reflect sometimes.

    Also so that you know, when Z\’s LH unfortunately closed a few months back, a few found us. Suggested I change from Monica\’s Lounge to Monica\’s Lusthouse. I will ALWAYS say no to that, because I am Not Monica, nor am I her Lusthouse. They left SL with her. The only thing I hope for is that her fun, her openess are carried on. Few rules, fun, and people allowed to be who they are.

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