Noob Dating Group Apartment
Noob Dating Group Apartment

Leila | The Referral | Part 1

“Hello, Leila. Is it true you never say no when somebody asks you for sex?”

It does state that in my profile, but Neil did not know from reading it. He was also quite new to Second Life, a few weeks maybe.

He went on:

“I met a guy at Firestorm Social Island who said he fucked you already twice and that you never say no. I couldn’t believe that, so I asked if that was true.”

I confirmed that I am on a “never-say-no-challenge” for 30 days. Yes, I knew the guy who referred him to me, a story yet to be written.

It looks like I am getting passed around now, an interesting development in my challenge to never say no to anybody.

He requested a teleport. 

At the time, I was at an apartment of a group called “Noob Dating”. An interesting concept. Noobs can join the group and meet other noobs for a sex date or even experienced residents who don’t mind that you are new to Second Life.

My default group tag there is: “Fuck doll for noobs”.

I happened to be there because the day before, I introduced a noob to sex in Second Life, which is always a hilarious experience.

I was still dressed in sex lingerie, and I could feel this did have an impact on him. Neil was surprisingly good-looking for a noob. He got himself one of those free mesh bodies from Altamura.

I showed him around the place, ending the tour in one of the bedrooms. Of course, he was eager to have sex with me.

And that’s exactly what he got.

Gallery: The Referral

This wasn’t the only time we had sex. Follow my blog to discover what happened in the following days and weeks. You will love the one about us attending the Latin Dance Club and what we did there.

By the way, the challenge is still on. If you want to take advantage of it, look for me in Inworld and send me an IM saying “challengefan.”

Chances are you will find me on Firestorm Social Island.



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