Jessica | The Purified Ex Sex Worker

Jessica at Takeda Media HR Office

Yes, you haven’t heard from me since friggin four years. It’s time for a comeback. 

This time, it will be different. I said goodbye to my “career” as a sex worker in Second Life and will instead focus on my original purpose: selling 3DXChat and providing customer service in 3DXChat.

But first things first.

I went into the office and straight into HR, where I met Sleen. I sat down in front of him, without even asking, and asked, trying to look confident:

“Hello, Sleen, I am back. Can I get my old job back again ?”

“Oh, you have been away quite some time. You probably don’t know what we do nowadays,” he said.

He continued: “You could work at Candy’s on Street Whores. We have a good customer base there.”

I did put a serious face on and replied: 

“Nope, I left whoring behind. I am now purified and want to do something more respectable. I was talking about my job as a sales manager for the 3DXChat affiliate project.”

He did burst out laughing. He kept laughing for minutes. It was actually quite annoying when he sarcastically asked:

“How long will this work out this time? Maybe I should buy you a nun outfit as well.”

And kept laughing at me.

“I am serious!” I shouted.

He kept laughing. I saw tears in his eyes.

Finally, after a few more minutes of laughing, he said: 

“Ok, this is what we can do, subject to Caroline’s approval: We will get you a small budget, and you will open a 3DXchat Information center on a busy sim. You are in charge of promoting it and helping new members with onboarding. What do you think?”

“Yes, that’s what I want to do. I can also resume writing my hotel reviews.”

“She is purified, “he said, chuckling, and added: “I will tell that Caroline, maybe she is in for bet how long it takes this time for you to end up in a punter’s bedroom. She will likely laugh even more than me about that one.”

I replied:

“Just to be clear, that doesn’t mean I won’t have sex anymore. It just means no more sex work for Jessica.”

He asked me: “Do you even get wet without somebody throwing some Lindens at you?”

“Oh, shut up, Sleen. What is my budget for the project?”

“We will see. I will check it out in accounts, but 10.000 should not be a problem to start with. Get some sales as a proof of concept, and we can talk again. Ok?”

“Cool, I am fine with that.”

Gotta prove myself, of course; it has been four years.

When I left the office, he did look at me from top to button and remarked: “Nice ass, by the way. I love your new look. I remember we had a good time when I trained you to become a whore

“Forget it, Sleen, ain’t gonna happen,” I answered, a bit insecure. He is a good fuck, after all.

He continued: “What if I put an extra 1000 L$ onto your budget and I fuck you right here on my desk?”

“Say hi to Caroline, ” I said, walking out of the office.

Anyway. I am on board again.

Next stop: Finding a suitable location.

Btw, I changed back to my non-whoring-look. The decent, somewhat nerdy girl from before.

Have you ever tried 3DXchate? Please tell me in the comments what your experience was.

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