Best AFK Sex Destinations in Second Life (2024)

afk sex dolls

When I first investigated afk sex destinations, there were only a few places in Second Life offering afk sex.

Later AFK-fucking became a serious trend in Second Life. That was in 2017 when I first published this article.

Since then, the afk-scene has greatly changed; it’s time to update this article. Afk-sex is not as popular as it used to be, but the regions still do have decent traffic, and some of the girls are still making a bit of pocket money.

However, most of the traffic comes from the girls offering their bodies to random strangers.

Why AFK Sex?

You might ask yourself, why are people using AFK girls? What’s the point of fucking a virtual sex doll without having any interaction?


This is an obvious one.

Whenever you visit a region, you will find that most beds or rooms are occupied by a girl waiting for a client. If you are into that kind of “fast-food sex,” you are spoiled of choice.

When you need a quick fuck, and you can’t be bothered with roleplay or chatting up somebody, you no longer need to go to party places or whore houses.

You visit one of the numerous AFK sex dummy places. You come, choose, fuck and leave a little tip.

(Tips are expected)


Some guys do not want to go through all the motions of chatting up a girl for sex or paying an escort. They want some pixel porn with a pretty body.

That is exactly what you get at those places. No more, no less.

Hint: Some girls are not afk. They might be watching you fucking their avatars.

Practice Your Sex Skills

For many new residents in Second Life, the technicalities of virtual sex are sometimes overwhelming.

Setting the angle of your cock right, adjusting poses, understanding menus, or connecting your Lovense toy (if you have one) is not that easy at first.

AFK sex is a great way for novices to practice how sex in Second Life works.

Exploring Stunning Locations

People create new interesting places because of this. The creativity and imagination of people in Second Life will never cease to amaze me.

Second Life is a creative world. It is no surprise that people not only copied the idea but embellished it. I was amazed at how many different places and styles there are now for AFK sex.

I visited some of the most popular ones back in 2017. Recently (2024), I researched those regions again and found that all of the ones I showed you here in 2017 are long gone, except one (Apartment Number 6).

Visual Stimulation & Lovense Toys

Do you have a Lovense toy and want to add visual stimulation to a session without interacting with anybody?

A few Lovense games are on the market, but most are either complicated to connect to or are just plain lame. My friend Jess tried some of them and found them pretty useless.

Second Life AFK destinations are a far better alternative to Lovense games.

Recommended AFK Sex Locations (2024)

Great AFK sex locations are rare nowadays. Most of the recently visited locations are poorly designed and use outdated furniture.

In addition, the fluctuation of AFK regions is extremely high. You might find one you like today, and it might be gone tomorrow.

Hence, this list is very short and needs to be updated regularly. I will do my best to keep it up to date.

If you know a nice afk sex destination, please leave a comment, and I will make sure to visit it for evaluation and review.

Lusty Hotel

Exquisitely designed hotel-style AFK sex location. You find freelancers in designated general areas and girls with their dedicated hotel rooms.

If you go for a girl with her own hotel room, she awaits you at the door. You can click her head, which enables you to place her on any of the furniture available in the room.

afk sex girl
afk sex girl

The region is Lovense enabled. Get your toy and have fun.

Apartment Number 6

AFK Apartment Number 6 in Second Life

This one looks like a luxury sex hotel. There is even a reception desk. When I arrived, only one of the rooms was not occupied. In each room, you find a bed and a pretty body waiting to get fucked.

Taxi: Apartment Number 6

Bunny Beach Park and Motel

AFK Sex Place Bunny Beach Park and Motel

This place resembles a Motel by the seaside. You can fuck an AFK girl right in the garden in public, or you enter one of the motel rooms for more privacy. The choice is yours.

Taxi: Bunny Beach

I Dare You to Try it

Go to one of those places and do it.

Please report about the experience here in the comments section of this post. I am genuinely curious to read about this from your perspective as a “user” of afk sex dummies.

Find me or any of my ALTs on an AFK Place. If you find me, use me, get off, and leave an IM message saying:

Mission Accomplished



P.S.: I will add more afk locations to this post over the next few days..

19 responses

  1. slim barrowstone Avatar

    lol afk sims are ok but its dum to have to pay if you ask me but it is good way to learn things like taking pics and etc but i would not pay

    1. Caroline Takeda Avatar


      It’s called being thankful to be allowed to use somebody elses avatar. Appreciation is never dump.


  2. MilosZ MilosZ Avatar

    An a SL resident for goin on fourteen years I want to say I depise the afk places and people who litter their sim with ‘bots’ to artifically inflate traffic, regardless of venue.

    That said, I’ve enjoyed your blog. You’ve concinved me to try some other adult oriented games.

    MilosZ MilosZ in SL.

  3. JanePlainSpain SL Avatar

    These places didn’t last too long. There was only one still around “Silence” when I went to check them out 4 months after this post. I guess by the way they operate it would be hard to support the rental fees. Oh well.

    1. Zeta Avatar

      Silence, AFK Motel and Apartment 6 are still around as we speak, and I think the Office aswell. Also some other long running big(ger) ones that are not mentioned in this topic like Flesh and Fur, Sleeping Beauty, Discrete, AFK District, Dolls Delight and quite a few more.

      A lot did close though, because it is true that its quite hard to make money running just AFK sim (and there can be lots of drama if you allow). I’m running one for 7 months now and only just start making some small profit, that’s from tips cuts, room rent, ad boards and my own AFK sit tips.

      If you are in it for making money, just sit AFK at other peoples sim, not start your own 🙂 My main drive is having fun though, and it is quite a lot of fun.

  4. Nathan J Avatar

    Why no new blog posts? Is this blog over?? Want to read more adventure

    1. Caroline Resident Avatar

      Hello Nathan,

      No ist not over. I just have been busy with building our new office in Second Life. We will soon offer a new professional presence for those working with us. We will also Have a porn cinema on our premises for everybody to enjoy the latest releases of our partnering porn producers in Second Life.

      In addition we are working hard on the porn section of this site as as on several additional sites. One of which is already online. Check out Jessicas Diary here: https:// or Cathy’s Blog under

      On this site, I will soon continue to tell you about my own adventures 🙂


  5. Jack Sinned Avatar

    I really like the AKF sims. For someone like myself who is not good at RP at all, sex in SL can be awkward with new people, but using or being used at the AFK sims is quite exciting in a voyeur kinda way.

    What I do not like is the massive “put as many sex furiture in a room” kind of build, prefer more realistic. My new favorite is “Dolls Delight” (new I think) with an actualy town like design with buidlings and themes.

    1. Caroline Resident Avatar

      Hi Jack,

      I gad a quick look at Doll’s Delight. It is indeed the best I have seen so far. Not very busy, but that is possibly not a disadvantage.


      1. Jack Sinned Avatar

        People seem to agree, currently now it is one of the busiest non furry AFK sim

  6. lyrissa Avatar

    my question is where are all the sims for the ladies? ive found one so far with just one guy….then later i was lucky and there were two….guys gave all the conviences..:(

    1. Caroline Resident Avatar

      Hi Lyrissa,

      good point actually.
      Want to open one? Maybe you found a profitable niche.


  7. Kenna Avatar

    I remember your first article and I did just that. i sat and watched. It felt very freeing and it was in general fun to have running in the background while I did things around my house. I plan on going back. Something about watching my girl desired and touched by many while im supposedly not there is a big turn on. So thank you for turning me onto this!

    1. Caroline Resident Avatar

      Hi Kenna,

      Its fun when you are doing something else, like writing my blogposts. You check the viewer which runs in the background and see you are getting fucked like crazy. The guy doesn’t even know I am watching him doing me.


  8. Nalates Avatar

    Your last 3 links are dead.

  9. Harry T Avatar

    With all due respect, this sure looks desperate. Why do humans want to descend to this level of mockery? Inconceivable. Purgatory is what this is.

    1. Caroline Resident Avatar

      Hello Harry

      Purgatory? Seriously?

      I think if both sides have fun doing this it is not fore you or me to judge. Yes, to me it looked also kinda weird, when I first saw this. But hey..your world, your imagination – that is what Second Life is all about.


  10. Aaron Avatar

    I’ve been to Silence a few times. I agree with you on the atmosphere; it’s a bit cold, as if the women (and some men) were on display in a gallery. However, no lack of good looking people to fuck. I’ll have to check out the other places too!

    1. Caroline Resident Avatar

      Hi Aaron,

      please check them out and tell us what you think. Oh, and say hi to Charleen, if you see her laying around at one of those places.


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