I am Alexandra, Alex for short.
I have been reading this blog for a few years. What can I say? I am a fangirl and have always wanted to be part of those exciting adventures.
The problem is that I am very shy and inhibited when it comes to sexual things.
Maybe being part of Takeda Media could help me overcome my inhibitions and have some fun, little sexy adventures myself.
I sometimes daydream about being a naughty girl, which is surprisingly arousing.
The stories about Caroline’s Secret Hideway especially make me almost shiver when I imagine myself wearing a mask and waiting for a total stranger taking me at a secret place.
But all within reason.
I am not going to fuck with every Tom, Dick, and Harry like the girls at Candy’s Sex Cafe do. Becoming a whore would be definitely too much for me.
But I thought maybe there were other stories within this organization I could get involved with and write about “adventures light.”
I summoned all my courage and decided to sign up for Second Life (for a second time) and give it a try. I spent an indecent amount of time preparing an application notecard, not even knowing what to apply for.
The more I was writing this, the more insecure and nervous I became. On the other hand, I felt strangely aroused by the thought of being part of what essentially is a porn company.
Finally, I finished the notecard and went to the Takeda Media “office” (a finca-style house), looking for one of those boxes where people put in applications.
Did not find one.
I was very disappointed. I sat on that sofa in the finca and thought about my next move.
Shall I write to Caroline and pass her my application directly?
I was worried that I could come across as like a groupie. Would such a famous blogger and company CEO even read my unsolicited application?
It’s hard to be an introvert sometimes.
An IM hit my inbox: “Hello Alex, can I help with anything?”
My heart skipped a beat when I read the sender’s name: Caroline Takeda. She suddenly sat right next to me on the sofa.

I didn’t know what to say. I was Star-Struck. All I could do was pass her the application I had prepared.
Caroline took her time reading it all, then thoughtfully looked at me without saying anything. As the minutes passed, the silence became almost unbearable.
Caroline broke the silence by saying:
“First of all, relax. This is just Second Life, and I am just another resident in our crazy world.”
She must have noticed that I was incredibly nervous.
“I understand from this you are rather reluctant to work as a sex worker, which is essentially what we do here one way or another.”
She smiled and continued with tongue in cheek:
“You are a shy and decent girl. That’s cute. Having said that, all of the people who work here are right the opposite, including myself.
We are very liberal and promiscuous here; some of the girls even get tuned on being used for money. Others use sex in their approach for Lovense or 3DXChat sales, and we are working on a machinima porn project.”
That’s it, I thought. I don’t qualify for this. My dream burst like a soap bubble or a sudden firestorm crash.
Should I have told her that I am at least tempted to overcome my inhibitions and that deep inside, there is a particular desire I can not even explain?
She continued:
“Look, we have some old projects on hold because I do not have the time to follow them through. For example, a website where people can rate and write reviews about Second Life escort girls.”
Ok, it’s not over yet, I thought. But there is a catch: I know nothing about websites.
Caroline continued:
“Look, you are new to this, and you probably don’t know much about the media business, especially not the adult media business.
Here is what I can offer you:
Become an intern at Takeda Media for a few months. During that time, I will let you work in all our departments and projects so you can learn the business step by step.
Your first assignment will be planning and hosting events for the Lovense Community group. We need to get started on that anyway. That’s your first 30 days.
After that, you help Jessica at the 3DXChat store on street whores.
In those two assignments, you are not required to have sex with anybody. If you want to, you can, but it’s not part of the job description.
You get an author-login to this site, and you can start writing about your internship today. I’ll show you how that works. Publishing a blog post on WordPress is not rocket science, but before you hit the publish button, let me read it to ensure it meets our quality standards and corporate writing guidelines.
Just one thing: You will see sex scenes. You don’t have to participate in those, but are you ok with being exposed to people having sex?
A lot!”
I am in. I couldn’t believe it—I am part of Takeda Media. At least I have a foot in the door and might even get my own project.
“Yes, Ms. Takeda, I am totally fine with that. I am grateful for this opportunity and will not disappoint you.”
“Come on; nobody calls me Ms. Takeda around here. I am Carol.”
She paused for a moment and said, laughing:
“One piece of sound advice. We have here two guys, Uwe and Sleen. For the time being, I suggest you avoid them.”
At last, Caroline gave me a small budget of 1000 L$ and sent me to places where I could get stuff to upgrade my avatar a little. I need to look the part, she said.
A question to anybody who might read this here:
Have you ever worked on a Takeda Media project, and what was it like? Please advise me on the do’s and don’ts of this job.
And why should I avoid Uwe and Sleen for now?
Please leave a comment.
I’ve worked on a Takeda Media project, and honestly, it was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. It shaped where I am now and even introduced me to some of the closest friends I have today.
A couple of months ago, I had a conversation with one of the girls from Candy’s in Street Whores. I told her, “If it wasn’t for my time working at Candy’s and everything I learned there, I wouldn’t own X-Sisters or Street Whores today.” That place gave me everything I needed and let me experience everything I needed, both good and bad.
Now, the Do’s? That’s easy. have fun. Make every interaction matter, because you never know who you’re meeting or where it might lead.
As for the Don’ts, well… steer clear of Uwe if you have small tits. And most importantly, don’t put yourself above the team. The team is your backbone, it’s what helps you grow and succeed.