Furniture Store in Second LIfe
Furniture Store in Second LIfe

Bob Undercover: Cross-Gender Play In Second Life Part 2

In my last post, I talked about the experiment I started, playing Second Life with a female avatar. I talked about my first careful steps in female shoes throughout Second Life.
Today I want to talk about my social interactions and the expectations put on females in Second Life.

Part 2: Social Interaction And Expectations

Day-to-day activities, like chatting, dancing or shopping feel very similar whether you are playing with a male or a female avatar.

One thing I immediately noticed which is different, is that a lot more people are interested in talking to you when you wear female skin.

My male avatar can stand in a sim for quite some time, without someone starting a private conversation. As soon as my female avatar landed in the beginner area my IM box lighted up. This is a trend I saw again and again. I enter a region and I quickly get private messages. A good chunk of those was of guys interested in sex with me. Even when I was in non-adult regions like stores, clubs beaches, or art galleries.

This solves a mystery for me why women rarely strike up conversations .. they don’t need to or to put it another way they are busy managing those they are already in. At least for me I rarely initiated a conversation, when I was already in 4 or 5 myself. The exception is friends coming online to which I usually say at least hello.

I also noticed there were certain patterns and expectations when it comes to interaction with women in Second Life. Let me illustrate that with three anecdotes.

Story 1: I Talked To You So You Need To Fuck Me

When my female avatar was pretty young I went to a place I found on Jess’s blog called the Swimming Pool, to see how people react to my avatar. I found, that when I want to test a look it’s a good idea to go to an adult region and see how people react to my presence. The Swimming Pool is such an adult region. Nudity and sex are encouraged and quite open on display.

I met this guy who seemed pleasant, gave me some flowers, and complimented my looks. Since I did not have much time I told him I needed to leave in a bit and therefore was not looking for sex. We talked for a bit more before I had to leave. He asked to add me as a friend and I agreed.

The next time we met I was in a club with a friend. He sent me an IM asking how I was and what I was doing. I told him I was chatting with a friend at a club. He asked for a port. I figured why not and send him a taxi. My friend and I included him in our chat.

After a while, he suddenly disappeared. I got an IM a short while later, where he complained I would not care about him. When I inquired how he got to that conclusion, he told me I promised him I would fuck him, which I did not and I told him so. After a while, he seemed to calm down.

Our last meeting started like the one before. He sends me an IM asking how I am and where I am. At that moment I was in a store shopping, which I told him. Of course, he asked for a teleport. Shortly after he arrived he started complaining, that I move away every time he came close to me.

I am in a store shopping, and of course, I move around and see what is on display.

After a bit of back and forth, he asked If he should bother chasing me. At that point, I was annoyed as well and told him that this was his decision, not mine. He disappeared. Still annoyed I asked him, what he was expecting to happen in the store, where I was shopping.

His answer was just a link for a teleport. I asked him what this was about. He answered with a cryptic: “Come and you will see.”

Since I was done with my shopping my curiosity took over and I took the bait. I found him at the Swimming Pool fucking another girl. At least he had done me the favor, of removing me as a friend, saving me the work to do so myself.

Story 2: Why Do You Bitch About My Looks When I Want To Fuck You?

Recently I got a new bikini and went to the Swimming Pool, seeing how guys react to it and maybe finding a sexy guy for some fun. Yes, my female self also has sex, but more about that later.

It was pretty busy, so when I got the IM I could not directly make out who sent it. He complimented my looks and after the usual small talk, he asked me what I was looking for. Grinning I told him to take a guess. He suggested, that we could have some fun together.

That was when I finally found him standing in a corner. He had a mesh body, I think, but his shape was a bit weird, and not very attractive. The thing that immediately poked me in the eye was his cock. It wasn’t unusually huge but it was pretty obvious, that he didn’t even bother to match the color of his genital with the rest of his body. The difference was so huge, that I would say he didn’t even try. Just put it on and be ready for action.

Since he did not blow me away with some hot and sexy emotes, in which case I would probably have agreed to his proposal and had a hot text-based adventure, I told him he wasn’t what I was looking for.

Since it might have been my viewer messing up, I wrote him to check the color of his dick, since at least to me it totally didn’t match the color of his body.

Of course, he took offense and asked if the colors not matching was the reason I didn’t want to fuck him.

Oh YESS, that might exactly be the reason.

I took a more diplomatic approach and asked him why he chatted me up for sex. He tried to be evasive by saying he did not know.

I suggested that it might have something to do with him finding me sexy and hot. I also told him that I spend several hours on my looks trying to get everything right.

His response was simple and brilliant, he doesn’t have to the time to spend on his looks. But of course, he was OK with me doing it. I suspect he expected it from me.

Story 3: The Weird Teleport To A Furniture Store

This happened very recently. I was trying on some clothes, as I mentioned earlier I have become a shopping addict.

All of a sudden I got an IM.

Strange, there was nothing in there just an offer for a teleport.
I checked back with the sender but did not get a response. Well, I tend to be a bit curious for my own good, so again I took the bait and ported to the given address.

I landed in a store selling BDSM furniture.

I found a guy on a bed, pants down, dick hard and pointing to the ceiling, drooling.
Yes drooling!

Again I got no answer when I asked him who he was and what he wanted. Okay, the last part was kinda obvious. I think he wanted me to hop on his cock … in a furniture store.

Again this could have turned into a sexy adventure, but a random TP from a stranger, who didn’t bother to talk to me or set up a scene.

No, I am out of here.

After I left I finally got a message telling, me how horny he was and that he wanted to fuck me so badly.

The first impression wasn’t good so I was really not inclined to play with him, but I replied he could have fun with me for half an hour if he send me 1000L$. he send me the TP again but did not respond at all.

Well, his loss, and I logged out for the night.

Of course, these are extreme stories and for each of those, there are several perfectly normal interactions with men. But there is an underlying current expectation that women have to be readily available for sex. I mean yes sex is a part of Second Life, but not everybody takes part in it or is in the mood all the time.

1 Comment

  1. Christina Monteverdi

    Don\’t you love it, all the attention? 😛

    Whether you are flooded with messages from guys also depends a bit on the places you go. Though some groups tend to have members that just browse the list of online users to send them IM\’s.

    It can be extremely annoying. Let us know if you find strategies to get rid of them. And how you will react to your first stalker…

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