Candy The Whore at Bar No. 5 | July 2021

Candy The Whore at Bar No. 5 | July 2021

Old Friends Turning into New Customers

Those who follow my storyline know this.

Before I eventually became a whore, I did fuck around a lot. It was a preventive measure in order to resist the temptation to have sex with customers at the Bar.

Didn’t work that well.

Some guys I met at the “Balls to The Walls Swinger Club” turned into regular fuck buddies even.

Of course ever since I am not seeing them anymore. I became too busy fucking for money.

Two of those old friends of mine were asking the other day, what I am doing these days. I told him, I am working at Bar No.5 as a bar slut.

I was very surprised both liked the idea. You know what I mean, it is a bit odd to tell a friend and fuck buddy that you are now taking money for sex.

Both come now to the bar regularly, both did buy blowjob vouchers. One of them, his name is Sven, just hired me for an hour.

Sven at Bar No 5
Sven at Bar No 5

That’s was odd, but very exciting.

We talked about it afterwards and he said:

“The biggest advantage of having sex with a whore is, that I don’t have to talk so much and do not need to feel guilty when I leave again.”

Good point.

I pointed out to him:

“And you always get what you want and when you want it.”

For example, He loves anal. He never told me before. Now as he pays for it, he can simply ask for it and gets it.

This time he creamed ma ass. Next time he wants to cum in my pussy or make me swallow his load. Sounds like I have a new regular even.

I almost forgot:

Tim Redeeming Yet Another Blowjob Ticket

This time he didn’t want an upgrade. He was just in the mood for a quick release and used another blowjob ticket for that.

Fair enough.

It’s part of my job description anyway and I need vouchers to pass them as incentives for more reviews on my profile.

He really enjoys my treats and shortly after released his load in my mouth.

I wonder how many tickets he has got left.

The Customer With The Foot-Fetisch

I am doing anything. He who pays calls the shots.

This man actually was not a guest at Bar No.5. He stood around 30 meters away from the Bar on the street. At first, I thought he is one of the numerous “window shoppers” who frequent the region

Until I received an IM.

“You have very sexy feet. Are you just work the bar or do you have rates as well?”
I told him my rate and he continued:

“You have experience with clients who have a foot fetish?”

“Well no, I don’t, I replied, “but I have enough imagination and would do my best.”
It’s always good to be truthful in such matters, for not to create too high expectations, which I might not be able to fulfil.

That was enough for him. He invited me to his place ( we call it home delivery at Bar no.5). A rather cool, kinda futuristic skybox.

He didn’t want me to undress, only my shoes. What followed was a foot massage for me, then some playing with both feet with his cock. Looked weird wanking someone’s cock with both feeds.

Especially when I had to kinda open my legs for that, exposing my naked pussy under my leather skirt. I was actually wondering if that view doesn’t turn him on at all or would he really just cum on my feet?


Suddenly he turns me around on the sofa, just pull skirt a little up and penetrated my exposed pussy. He fucked me hard and fast and did cum in only a few minutes after entering me.

The feet-foreplay must have really made him very horny and excited.
I think I didn’t do bad at all, and hope I got yet another regular customer.

I have got a few of those now. Ren, Tim, Mik, Sven, Deci and now Mr. foot-fetish.

I became such a slut!

And I love it!

Visit From The Office

Imagine this.

You normally work at a media agency and work part-time in a bar in the local red-light district, serving your customers not only beer but sexual services. 

You are a whore.

One day the door opens and a colleague from work comes in. He doesn’t come for a beer, he comes because he found out you are working there.

He wants you.

This happened to me at Bar No.5 the other day.

It was just a matter of time really that Uwe, one of the co-founders at Takeda Media would walk in and claim my pussy.

He has a special arrangement: 

If he needs it he gets it. Some of the girls at Takeda Media ( are at his disposition when he is horny and needs a fuck. It was part of the deal when he invested a million Linden in a specific project.

This time he got what he needed at Bar No.5

3000 L$ in Just One Shift

That was a very nice morning. And I didn’t even get fucked.

The day started actually a bit unusual. I landed at our home in Bellisaria to get ready for work. Taking a shower to get rid of the previous days cum on my body, and get dressed to please.

But I wasn’t home alone. I lurked shortly into the bedroom and saw Larry having sex with a girl I have never seen here before. They were very heavy into it and I did watch for a bit. 

Later I learned, that this kinda killed it for him. He didn’t know himself why.

I left heading to Bar No.5

It wasn’t busy at first. Then to my surprised Larry joined us. And Deci. That wasn’t such a big surprise, of course, Deci is a very faithful regular of the bar. 

A bit later a third guy joined in as well: Pen.  I have never seen him before in the Bar but he joined in the banter and tipped generously as well

All we did was dancing and strip for them. Was a really fun atmosphere and very entertaining. Between the tips, the beers sold and some bj-tickets sold, I made those 3000 L$. 

1500 L$ just from Larry. My best tip at Bar No.5 so far (without sex that is).

Talking bout sold bj-tickets. Pen got lucky, got a Team 4 ticket from the machine and immediately redeemed it.

Hence at the end of my shift, I was serving him a blowjob on the sofa. 

The best thing about that: He did enjoy that very much and asked for my usual rates. Could well be he will be back for more

Compensating Larry 

I was at our home at Bellisaria just a few days later and got ready to go to work when Larry suddenly stood in front of me.

I was only wearing some sexy lingerie at that point and I know what effect that has on him typically. 

After a bit of chatting, I remember that I still owe him an orgasm. Do you remember? When I intruded in his fuck the other day and he didn’t finish it.

In addition that day he tipped me in the bar very generously. 

Hence I said:

“Hey, I still owe you an orgasm for screwing up your sex date with your friend. I still have a bit of time before my shift at the bar, what about clearing that raincheck now?”

Of course, he was all up for that.

“Come, let’s go to the bedroom.”

After that, I went rather relaxed to work.


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