I start with something that might shock a few readers: Incest role-play in Second Life is acceptable. It is not against the TOS, and it is legal.
There are even numerous official groups for people into incest role-play.
There is a limitation, though: Both characters must represent adults. Fair enough.
I am going to tell you how Sheraka got into incest role-play in Second Life. But first, I will give you an update on Sheraka’s SIN-Tracker rape role-play experiment:
Nothing happened.
When logging into Second Life as Sheraka, I always wore the SIn Tracker beacon and hud — all the time.
There was not a single attempt to capture and/or rape me, despite me being in regions where it would have been easy to do it.
I keep wearing it, but I think it isn’t as popular anymore as it used to be.
Back to topic.
You probably remember an ancient post about Sheraka investigating age-play in Second Life. I decided to get an update on what is happening on that front.
At the time, a region called “The Golden Sun” was the most popular pickup place for people who wanted to have sex with very young girls.
I went there to see if that was still a thing.
The region was dead. I teleported there several times and never saw anybody there.
This could have two different reasons: For one, interest in age-play might have diminished, or the other, people moved elsewhere,
The latter was the case.
After some research, I found a place called “Family Save Nude Beach”.
It is the same concept and very busy.
In a nutshell:
It is a nude beach where all ages are welcome. Despite being adult-rated, sexual activities are prohibited. However, what people write in IM is a different story.
I wonder how they define “save” in this context.
It is not allowed to take any pictures at “Family Save Nude Beach.” The reason is apparent: Possessing pictures of naked kids is illegal in many countries, even if they are only avatars.
It was at Family Save Nude Beach, where I met who would become my Dad soon.
I was lying on a beach towel. This man was staring at me. He couldn’t get his eyes off me. I decided to start a conversation.
At first, it was just some small talk. But then I asked directly: “Does it arouse you to look at me?”
“Very much so; you are so beautiful and sexy. I got hard just by looking at you.”
“Do you have a home in Second Life?” I enquired.
Yes, he did, and he was more than happy to show me. He owned a charming villa on a big parcel.
After showing me around the property, we visited the last room to see his bedroom.
With a cheeky smile on my face, being still naked, I made myself comfortable on the bed and said:
“Come let me help you with that erection.”
He was extremely eager to use me to get off and fucked me hard and merciless.
Gallery | My First Incest Role-Play in Second Life
After he released himself in me, we had a very relaxed chat. He told me he was trying to form a little, very liberal family, but he found it very hard as a single dad (pun intended).
He asked me to move in as his daughter.
“Hey, wait a minute; if I become your daughter, will you still want to use me for getting off?” I asked with a perplexed face.
“Yes, that is one of my fantasies. If you are okay with that, I will take care of your needs as well.”
I found out what he meant by that. It meant going shopping, and he paid for everything I needed or wanted. On our first shopping trip, he spent around 10k on me.
I found that to be a beneficial arrangement. Incest Role-Play in Second is much easier money than working the street, for sure.
He had only one condition:
It is ok for him if I play with other teens (I told him I want to enroll in a college), but he wants to be the only mature man who is allowed to fuck me.
Easy. I am all in.
There was no rape experience for Sheraka. Instead, I got a comfortable home and a generous dad. Of course, I will ensure he gets what he needs and is very satisfied.
Sheraka needs to find a new school. My old school, Rocky Valley, closed some time ago. At which school I finally applied for admission is the topic of my next post.
A little spoiler: There will be yet another unexpected turn.
Stay tuned.
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