Worst second life sex
Worst second life sex

Leila | My Worst Second Life Sex Experience Ever

Do you remember this rule for Leila? 

I go with the flow and see what adventures I get into. I take whatever comes my way. No matter if that is a simple landmark given to me, a job offer, a teleport invite, a party invite, or a date.

No is not an option, and yes, that did apply to sexual approaches as well.

I changed that rule today for a whole set of rules for people who want to have sex with me unless they are prepared to pay for it.

Yes, I know. Leila is not a sex worker.

Leila aims to discover stunning locations based on old landmarks and suggestions from other residents and see what kind of new adventures she might encounter.

Hence don’t get me wrong, Leila will not be actively seeking clients, but if one does not comply with the following rules, the damage is 3000 L$ an hour. 

The only exception: A noob who needs coaching in sex matters.

What Happened?

In my quest for stunning locations, I found a beautiful and romantic region called “Hypnotic Romance”. It is an open-air dance floor surrounded by lush forests and natural broad flower meadows.

There are some outdoor tables as well, where you can sit and have a chat. It is lovely at sunset:

I met a guy there. I call him Mr.L. in the following (L for lame). Mr. L. sat down with me and started a harmless conversation.

Apparently, he is into sailing, flying, and many other things. He even wanted to create his own business in Second Life.

So far a decent and exciting conversation. Didn’t even hit on me for sex at that point. 

His looks were not sexy anyway. Not at all. System body, cheap skin, and the worst: System hair! I am sure the lame shape originated from a freebie warehouse as well.

Mr.L. is NOT a noob. He has been in Second Life for five years already.

I did question him politely if he had ever thought about going mesh. Still, I added that it is optional to be mesh for everybody. If you are in Second Life for exploring and chatting, there is no need for all the hassle that comes with mesh bodies and heads.

Also, if you can’t afford the investment in a mesh avatar, there are cheap solutions to design your looks attractively.

 It just “costs” some time and imagination.

Leilas New Rule Nr.1
If you have sex with me, try to create an attractive avatar. I have very attractive looks myself and expect that from you as well.

I told Mr. L. what I was doing as Leila in Second Life. He saw his change there and then to get in my pants sooner or later. He invited me to see a great location. 

The “great location” was Foxxies Jazz Club” and the “special attraction” was a balloon ride over the region.

How lame is that?

Come on, balloon rides and similar stuff were a thing about 20 yeast ago when everything that Second Life had to offer was exciting. Simply because it was new.

He was probably of the wrong assumption that the cuddle animations in the ballon would trigger my appetite to have sex with him. 

There he gave me the first subtle hints that he had sex in mind:

“I love to cuddle, I love to kiss, I love to LOVE.”

Ok, it wasn’t that subtle.

At the end of the ride, he invited me to his place.

When I landed there, I first thought it had not rezed correctly. But then I realized Mr. L.’s home was a swimming pool, a bar, and sex furniture. 

He wasn’t even bothered to put a proper skybox or some surroundings; it’s just a platform in the sky.

Leilas New Rule Nr. 2
If you don’t have a decent place yourself, take me to a decent hotel.

He asked me to sit down with him on a sofa. Seconds later, he was naked and forced me on his cock. He started to fuck me through my panties. 

He must have been so needy that he couldn’t even make an effort to get me naked or at least remove my panties. Of course, he told me to do so after his assault.

He raped me.

Leilas New Rule Nr. 3
Don’t menu-rape me. Full stop.

I know. There is no such thing as real rape in Second Life. I could have easily stood up and left. But I wanted to know how bad this would get.

As if it couldn’t get any worse. 

During the encounter, he had the cum feature of his cheap cock on. He was constantly squirting cum into me. In masses, that could easily resemble a waterfall.

Worst second life sex
Worst second life sex

Leila’s Rule Nr. 4
Know how to use your huds and play it realistically.

After he bit, he demanded:

“See the bubble up there. go there.”

In that bubble, he fucked me continuously and changed position as he saw fit. Of course, too many times. But the worst during the entire fuck: Not one emote, not a little bit of role-play. Zero. Nothing.

Leila’s Rule Nr. 5
If you don’t want the role-playing part, go and fuck an afk doll or pay me.

I left him after he (finally) finished and went back to the Motel I use as a base. I had a good shower there to eliminate all the cum all over my body.

At last, I did send him an IM suggesting those two good reads:

Caroline’s Guide to quality sex in Second Life

Carolines’s guide to emoting during virtual sex play

What was your worst sex experience ever in Second Life (or other virtual worlds)?

Please share your story in the comments.


  1. Chandra Kusari

    OMG sooooooo terible!

    I had a guy once open convo with “I am new here how can I fuck you?”

    Okies he was a totes noob, but still.

  2. There are some days that I question what goes through their brains. Usually I fully expect them to be a slightly on the take side of โ€˜give and takeโ€™. Guys like this though baffle me.

    What makes it worse is that they think itโ€™s the right path to take. Itโ€™s all about their needs and wants and yes unless theyโ€™re paying for it that just doesnโ€™t work.

    Also, I love the new number one rule XD itโ€™s the same as my number one rule.

    • Caroline Takeda


      what was your worst ever sex experience in Second Life. Please share your story here.


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