My First Sale and Customer Service at The 3DXChat Showroom in Second Life

3DXChat customer service

Yes, I made my first In-World sale. Of course this is not the companies first customer.

SLA Media is referring traffic to 3DXChat on a daily basis via their different websites. The main site is: Second Life Adventures. It is an established blog, written mostly by Caroline Resident, CEO and founder of SLA Media. The site receives about 10.000 monthly visitors and generates 3DXChat sales on a daily basis.

Another project the firm is participating is this: Second Life Porn. A joint venture with Catherine Palen (Editorial Director) and Uwe Dufaux (Investor).

The Showroom in Second Life is a brand new project.

The idea behind it is simple: Second Life residents are an obvious target group. Hence we show them a complimentary option for virtual sex.

The first sale is done. Several are pending completion.

The next step after a closed sale is actually what we call on-boarding & customer service. This is actually our USP (unique selling proposition). This makes the difference for the customer. We did setup a group for that on a partner website:

After a Second Life Resident joined 3DXChat using our affiliate link he gets an invitation to the group. Everybody in this group has a personal in-game assistant.

Typically that is the original sales person but this may vary. It depends whether or not the sales person actually wants to be involved in customer service.

I am doing customer service for my clients.

I meet my client in-game. There I show him how everything works, how to move around, how to use camera and so on. Of course it includes answering all kind of questions a new member typically has.

There just one little obstacle.

3DXChat has no In-game user search. That means I can not simply ask my client for his user name and send him a friend request. I actually have to make an in-game appointment for a first meeting. Once met I add him to my friends list for easy in-game contact.

I did so with Sam. We met at the entrance of Fresco (A popular music club in 3DXChat) and then went to his house.

My first customer. Yes it is the one I mentioned in my previous post. Sam might actually start working with us. He joined 3DXChat mainly because he feels he can not sell something he hasn’t tried himself.

A very good attitude I believe.

Sam learned quick. In fact when we met in his house he was already pretty familiar with most features of the viewer.

After a bit of chatting he suddenly said: “It is you I want”.

I smiled and said: “I was expecting that and was looking forward to be your first one here”.

“Give me ten minutes, I have to attend something in real life”.

No problem. I waited in the pool on his terrace. Waiting too have sex in a few minutes can be very arousing, did you know?

3DXChat Customer Service
Waiting to serve with sex

We ended the day with very hot sex. Unfortunately I can not show you many pictures because Sam doesn’t want me to use pictures on which he could be identifiable.

3DXChat Customer Service
3DXChat Customer Service

It is extremely hot that sex is part of the job. Really, it is huge turn on for me. I will have lots of fun with customer service.

After that I went to Fresco. In party mood dancing away and listen to some really cool tracks.

Dancing at Fresco in 3DXChat
Dancing at Fresco in 3DXChat

Would you like to do the same?

Contact me In-World. We are currently recruiting sales & customer service managers! (User name: Jessicaslamedia).

One thought on “My First Sale and Customer Service at The 3DXChat Showroom in Second Life

  1. Update:

    I did the Second sale and met the customer in-game. Nice guy actually,
    but ather than a bit of answering questions, showing places and a dance with a bit of kissing nothing happened. Was too late for me, really needed some sleep.

    Maybe next time?


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