How I Became a Second Life Fashion Model

Fashion Model Caroline Resident

Yes, a paid model even. How did that happen?

Well, there is a long story behind that, which I can not reveal yet. I might do so in a later post. It has to do with one of Jessica’s clients “who must not be named”.

For reasons.

I went to an advertising agency called Chic Studios. Very big offices also with a lot of sex stuff. Their main line of business is creating adverts and promotional material for brands in Second Life.

Chic Studios in Second Life
Chic Studios in Second Life

You have seen those a lot in Second Life and marketplace. Especially in the fashion industry. A picture of a model wearing a designer’s stuff on vendors or on marketplace.

Of course, those models need to be good looking. Nobody buys stuff, when the picture doesn’t look good.

I contacted one of the owners, Mr. Dean and we met shortly after at the SLA Media office.

Meeting Mr Dean at the SLA Media Office
Meeting Mr Dean at the SLA Media Office

At first I didn’t actually think about becoming a model. I just wanted to find out if we have synergies, with a view to promote each other’s business, as we are in the same industry:


He did like my looks a lot. I must admit I was dressed to tease. Short mini leather skirt, tight tank top and high heels. I did dispense off a panty under that skirt. Depending on how I sit I could potentially give deep insights.


Then we closed a deal.

He offered me to become a model. The deal is: I get a signup bonus of 3.000 L$ and whenever I have a gig I get 2.000 L$ each time.

Additional bonus:

I can keep all the cloth I get to wear at the shootings. Designer fashion worth thousands of Linden. That can potentially save me a lot of money

Not a bad deal.

In addition I offered to write about my gigs, which is additional promotion for the brand in question. This is actually quite common amongst Second Life bloggers. A bit of product placement basically.

I gave him a tour off our premises, including the penthouse in the sky afterwards. He was quite impressed.

My outfit did have a certain impact on him. The impact it was meant for. The longer I was showing him around and (of course) explaining what exactly we do here, the more nervous he got.

In the penthouse bedroom
In the penthouse bedroom

I knew he fancied me, but suddenly he said:

“I have to leave now Caroline, was nice meeting you. Looking forward to work with you.”

He left pretty much in a hurry, almost fleeing the situation, probably as a means to resist the temptation.

I questioned him about it.

“You are a very attractive women, let’s leave it at that.”

To be continued:

The sex tape.


2 thoughts on “How I Became a Second Life Fashion Model

    1. Not yet.

      Well, depends how you define work /me giggles
      I think I will have my first shooting the coming weekend.

      In the end it is for Scandalize.


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