Do you want to win five hours of unlimited, uninhibited virtual sex with Candy or Jess? You can use the five hours as you wish, For example, five times one hour or ten times half an hour.
If you fancy that, you need to do three things:
- Join Second Life
- Join the Second Life group “50 L$ Whores”
- Leave a comment including your sl user name on this post
It’s a sex competition between Candy and Jess. The loser of the competition will be your sex servant for five hours.
Only one person will win the prize. If Jess loses, I will determine who is the lucky one and vice versa (being old, fat, ugly, or a noob is an advantage in this case).
(You may hire us during the competition, of course. It’s cheap).
What is the Sex Competition All About?
Both of us will create a new avatar. We will put them to work as whores for as little as 50 Linden Dollars (L$) for 30 days, starting the 24th of July.
The one who accumulates the most L$ within 30 days wins.
Rules of The Sex Competition
- Each account gets 500 L$ starting money.
- We are not allowed to use existing resources (such as existing groups, friends, or our clubs)
- We are not allowed to use gifts or donations from anyone other than the 50 L$ for sex.
- We must have the tag “50 L$ Whore always active wherever we go.
Sounds easy.
Spoiler: It is not.
Challenges of the Sex Competition
First and foremost, if you want somebody paying you for sex, you must be beautiful. Creating a stunningly good-looking avatar on a limited budget is not easy. 500 L$ is very limited.
It is even more challenging that many adult places in Second Life are restricted to new accounts. In red-light districts or similar areas, avatars must be at least 30 days old to enter the region.
Hence, we must find a way to enter the regions where potential customers typically hang out. I need a strategy. And I need a sexy avatar without spending too much money.
I will test different ways to find clients. I start by going to cheap motels and offering my services to the guests, pretending I am a staff member, such as a receptionist or a maid. The adventure starts at Danger Creek Lake Motel and Trailer Park.

Rachel | The Sex Competition in Second Life – Update 08/20
We are at the finish line of our sex competition in Second Life.
The sex competition “The 50 Linden-Dollar Whores” ends on August 24th.
The account balance today is 2190L$. I hardly touched the 500 L$ starting money. I only spent around 30 or 40 L$ on a few group memberships to get some free stuff from quality designers.
Do the maths! It means I had just over 30 sexual encounters in 26 days (I lost the exact count). Or, as Jess did put it: “I need to suck a lot of cock for that.”
I believe Jess has given up already. She postpones starting to work on it all the time, and I think she will not be able to find 30 cocks in the remaining four days. Procrastination is a killer in any competition. Remember this one for any business you might do in real life.
Maybe she was too busy with her new career as a drug dealer in Second Life.
I could lean back now and let the remaining four days pass. I won’t. I am having a lot of fun with our sex competition.
I want to give her a chance:
We agreed her 30 days start today
But let us go a few steps back. The most challenging part was building an avatar that was sexy enough to attract potential punters.
How to Create a Sexy Second Life Avatar on a Budget
500 L$ is not a lot of money. As I wrote before, I barely touched that budget. In the following, I will show you how I did it (yet again).
The Firestorm Shopping Tour
This is a must-have if you are on a low budget. You teleport to the New Residents Help Island, part of the Firestorm Islands. There, you get a notecard by clicking on this sign:

The notcard contains a list of places with detailed instructions about where and how to get free stuff for free or very little money.
You want to make sure to take advantage of this. It’s the best of its kind I have ever seen in Second Life.
You will find several mesh bodies, mesh heads, animation overwriters, and lots of free cloth, hair, and makeup.
I chose this for Rachel. Click the links to teleport to the locations where you can get those items.
Genus Mesh Head – Strong W003 (Free)
Legacy Classic Mesh Body (Free)
If that is not the mesh body you like, try New Resident Island. You can get several other free mesh bodies, such as Altamura, Ulta Vixen head and body, EBody classic, Ebody curvy, and the Ruth head and body.
Tuty’s Free Animation Overwriter
Several Free Outfits from Scandalize (Requires group membership for 30 L$)
Scandalize has a shop for group freebies with more than 300 free items.
Rachel’s Sexy Avatar

The Sex Competition Strategie
I can not hang out at the typical hotspots for whores. Those regions require a minimum age of an avatar (usually 30 days).
I can not work at any of the escort or strip clubs because my fee is ridiculously low.
There is no point in trying at free adult places. People go there to find non-commercial sex dates, and most of those regions prohibit whoring anyway.
So what to do?
Motels and Hotels are the answer.
I have chosen a few motels where I will play a staff member. This could be a receptionist or a room maid. This is fun as it adds a role-play aspect to the approach.
This works very well.
For example, when somebody comes to reception to inquire about a room, I ask if they want a standard arrangement or the premium room service for a small fee.
Another option is, whenever I see a guy sitting alone in a room, I knock at the door saying:
“Hello, Sir, I am the maid here. Do you want room service?”
In most cases, it leads to having sex with the motel guest and getting paid my fee of 50 L$.
Sometimes, people I met at the motel would contact me again and ask me to come to their place for some sexy fun. One guest invited me several times to his private beach for rather long sex sessions.

I use The following list of motels in Second Life for this strategy.
Adult Rated Motels
Danger Creek Lake Motel and Trailer Park
Danger Creek Lake Motel is my favorite. I have an official arrangement with the management to offer sex services to motel guests and to people who rent a trailer in the nearby trailer park.
This is a huge benefit as all the trailers are rented out. All I have to do is introduce myself to the tenants individually. I already have regulars there.

The first one I fucked with at Danger Creek Lake Motel was the maintenance guy. He was cleaning the pool that day.
Motel Nowhere
I like Motel Nowhere because of the very detailed design of the rooms. Another benefit is that there are always some people around.
Here I simply take a room (free) and lay naked on the bed wearing my “50 Linden Whore” tag. It usually doesn’t take long for somebody to knock at the door or enter, pay me, and fuck me.

Motel Mirage on Road 66
It is a small but cozy hotel in a typical American desert village. The receptionist approach works very well here.
I did win.
I have 2400 L$ at the end of the competition. I only spent 300 on the avatar from the initial budget of 500 L$, which means I made 2200 L$ as a cheap whore.
That is forty-four sex sessions with about twenty different guys. Now I have to assign somebody who gets the five hours of free sex with Jess. I haven’t decided yet who that person will be.
I leave that open for a couple of weeks, as Jess is too busy at the moment with her recent take-over of Street Whores. You still have a chance to be the one.
You don’t even have to look stunning. The opposite is the case, I would love to assign Jess a fat, old and ugly one. Yes, I am that sort of bitch.
If you want to participate, visit me at my trailer and leave a comment under this post.
Rachels New Life
This account has fulfilled its purpose, and I can delete it now. But I got fond of little Rachel and decided to keep her.
Rachel now lives at Danger Creek Lake Trailer Park and has even gotten a trailer there.

I invested the money I made during the competition in my appearance. I bought a new mesh head, which I got at a sale for only 50 L$. That makes a huge difference. Jess bought me a matching skin for the body I use.
Further, I bought all the typical sex stuff: VAW Vagina, INM Hud, and Good Moaning HUD. I even got a nice little sports car, a gift from one of my clients (after the competition).
Here is the new Rachel:

At first, I had the idea to continue working as the local cheap whore. Not for 50 L$. I increased the price to 300 L$. But it doesn’t work in that region.
The Danger Creek Lake Trailer Park is not a sex-centered region. Is it adult-rated? Yes, people do have sex there, but the primary reason people go there is not sex but the trailer park lifestyle.
I like that. Let’s see what else happens there.
I keep you updated.
Caroline (Alias Rachel)
Just to clarify, the Johns don’t have to be new avi’s right? Just the Rachel sisters?
Yes, thats right. Anybody regardless of avatar age can fuck the Rachel sisters.
Hi Carol,
I am definitely up for this.
There is my dilemma: I am not allowed to fuck your Rachel (against the rules), and if I fuck Jess-Rachel, I help her win, but I am keen on getting those 5 hours with Jess.
Now what?
5 hours is about your yearly inworld time.
Drugs are fun, ok!
Aaaaaaanyway, doing a sex competition in Second Life is a fun idea, but yes this month has not been the prime time for me to start. It’s August, sex worker hell every year, so I got distracted with boosting my other business ventures.
Now I get to start and now I get to win. You probably should try and get another 10 or so in the next 4 days because I’m aiming for 40 minimum. Maybe 50. Maybe I’ll just host gangbangs in a sim for 50L entry. Who knows, but I’m going to win.
Quot esset demonstrandum 🙂
Rachel has great hands, a vacuum for a mouth and she’s 8X tighter than your mom. Don’t ask how I know that last part. Def recommend her to anyone who wants a good time.
Came across this little beauty late one night, and curiosity got the best of me! She cleverly markets her “assets” and knew just the right spots to go when others were occupied. Well worth the price of admission and will be seeking her out again. Pictures “somehow” got released, though she’s free to share if she likes. It’s a pretty wild competition she currently has going on, and a perfect treat for anyone looking to play.
Exciting to participate. 50 lindens to fuck Candy and Jess sounds like a very sweet deal.
I’ll definitely do it. Inworld ID “brad1125”.
The challenge is mouth-watering. And reading it already gets me a hard-on.
To get dolled up in the cheap, go get inspirations from as they troll the grid and recommend female clothings and accessories on a frequent basis.