One thing upfront:
If there was only one thing you should never do in Second Life, it would be sharing access to your account. This would be especially true when having payment information on file.
This post does not intend to encourage you to do this.
Bear in mind: Giving somebody access to your account, does not only mean you give him/her access to your inventory, it means you give him/her access to your credit card.
Worst case?
He /she buys L$ with your credit card and transfers it to an ALT.
Don’t do it!
My new housemate and sex affair did it anyway. And as I pride myself in being an honest person, there was no risk in doing so for him. Obviously.
Why did we do this?
He has had a lot of trouble to get his avatar meshed. He even bought an expensive mesh body and several entire mesh avatars but never got it right.
It is just not his thing.
After yet another sex session (yes, we fuck regularly), he gave me the password and left to go sleep in RL.
His inventory was the biggest disaster I had ever seen. But I managed to find what I was looking for after a bit of an effort. He already had the Signature mesh body GIANNI. That is half of the job.
He also allowed me to spend L$ from his account, in case something such as a new head or hair is needed to upgrade him. I needed both.
I was hoping for that promotional offer from LOGO still being on. Unfortunately that one had expired already. No problem, I simply bought an interesting looking LOGO head and a new hairstyle at Argrace. He was easily able to afford that.
I found it quite intriguing to build a guy I will be sleeping with. Only possible in Second Life.
The result was a really good looking sexy mesh avatar. I am sure he will be very happy when he logs-in again.