Street Whore in Second Life
Street Whore in Second Life

Yaya | Second Life Jobs | Part 5: Street Whore

How to make money in Second Life fast? If you can’t find a regular Job in Second Life, why not try your luck as a street whore?

Yes, my main Second Life job at the moment is working at  Bravestone Estates as a real estate agent. 

The downside of the real estate business is, that it takes a while until you start making some decent money. This is especially true in a brand-new real estate company.

Until such time, why not work the street sometimes? Not as a full-time occupation, just as a way to make some pocket money on the side.

First Steps to Become a Street Whore in Second Life

Sexy Body and Outfits

Sexy Street Whore in Second Life
Sexy Street Whore in Second Life

It is obvious: You need to look the part. 

On the street in the red-light districts of Second Life, you have a lot of competition. In most regions offering workspace for freelance whores, you will find that most of the traffic is caused by other girls trying their luck on the street.

The bare minimum that is expected is a mesh body, mesh head a realistic vagina, and of course, sexy outfits.

The most realistic vagina, is called “The V”. It looks like the real thing and comes with a hud with very useful options. 

Ideally, you also get some of the popular sex-related huds such as INM (It’s not mine). This hud sprays cum on your body after the guy did press the cum button on his penis hud.

You can get yourself both of those items at the sex shop at Candy’s All-Inclusive Sex Hotel. You can try demo versions there as well.

When shopping for adequate outfits, don’t go overboard. Try to get something sexy but not too sluty. The guys prefer sexy but realistic streetwear.

Try to think of real-life street whores. You will not find them lurking in the street in underwear or lingerie, That is for later. Minnis skirts or shorts, high heels, and sexy tops are a way better option.

When working the street I always wore simple jeans with a belly-free top or a mini-skirt outfit. That did work quite well. Of course, under that, I wear some really sexy underwear or a body.

Chose a Street Whores Region in Second Life

 Hooker Hotel Region in Second Life
Hooker Hotel Region in Second Life

I did visit a few of those. The only ones  found to be popular enough to have a chance to make some money are 

  • Street Whores
  • Hooker Hotel

I went to the hooker hotel a few times. Maybe it was the right looks and outfit, or maybe I just got lucky, but so far every time I got approached by at least one guy hiring me.

There is one thing that did help a lot.

I did check the guy’s profile when they landed in the region. Whenever I saw that he is German, I approached him in his language. 

Should you have anything that makes you stand out compared to other girls, use it. It can be your unique selling proposition that might make the difference. 

Check profiles and look out for what you have in common with the potential client. Could be anything such as language, interests,  hobbies, groups…anything that helps to start a conversation.


Before you start a carrier as a whore, this is a must-read: How to have sex in Second Life

Yaya The Street Whore in Second Life

I tested it for you.

It didn’t take too long for my first client to approach me. 


After a bit of small talk, we went into the usual price negotiation. I told him it’s the typical price that almost all the girls ask for 1000 L§ for half an hour.

He agreed with that.

Then he came up with an unusual request: 

“Now the difficult part, are you prepared to do a voice verification?”

This doesn’t happen very often, but some guys want to be sure you are a female in real life. This actually defeats one of the purposes of Second Life: To be who or what you want in Second Life. 

It is not “fake” when you play the opposite gender, or a furry or a tomato. It is totally up to you how you present your virtual self. It is none of anybody’s business.

Btw: There are nowadays some really good voice changers on the market. Hence it is not 100% sure that you talk to a female just because you hear a female voice.

I did agree though and we talked for a minute via the Second Life voice channel. He was happy with the outcome and invited me to his virtual apartment.

Sex in Tommy’s Apartment

Sex in Private Apartment


Next one.

Radegast was really horny or was reluctant to invite a stranger right into his virtual home. He booked a simple room at the hotel.

Yet another easy job.

He didn’t emote or roleplay much, because he was too busy with his hands doing something else in real life.

Pro-tip: If your client doesn’t want to RP or emote a lot. Don’t try to make him do it. He might have hired you just because he doesn’t have to, as he pays for the service. Just let him jerk off using your avatar.

Sex in The Hotel Room

Sex in Hotel Room

The next time I stood on the street, I saw him there again and approach him directly. This time he was fine with taking me to his home.

I guess I have a regular now.

Sex in Radegast’s Apartment

Home Visit


Yes if you prepare yourself and you don’t mind those guys using you to cum, working as a street whore in Second Life can make you some money.

You will NOT become rich. We are talking about a few bucks every time you get laid, but it should be enough to buy the stuff you want inworld or to pay your rent in Second Life.

Try it and see if it is for you or not.


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